Boutique Haul
This weekend I ventured to beautiful Kalk Bay in Cape Town with Pixel Suicide and found some amazing local designer pieces.
First up is this amazing bag made out of soda can tabs! It takes the designer an incredible 14 hours to make just ONE bag. Insane! I love the fact that she’s using these tabs in such a unique way, I’ve seen loads of art incorporate the tabs but I’m really quite in awe of how great it works as a fashion accessory.
Now this jersey stole my little heart! The sleeves and zip detail are made out of pleather and it is oh-so-cosy. With winter fast approaching, I am getting more and more into the wide variety of knits that I am seeing everywhere. Just a pity my ass is broke and I can’t get it all. I think clothes are like my version of pokemon and it is damn expensive becoming a pokemon master.
Speaking of geeky things, I found the most amaze earrings from one designer.
My inner geek did a bit of an impromptu dance when I saw these. My ears and these earrings would just be the best of friends. The best.
I’ve been really intrigued by this symbol lately. It’s been popping up more and more and this piece really caught my eye. I did some Googling and the rich history behind this symbol really awakened my inner history boff. The symbol is called Hamsa which means five and has Middle East and North Africa roots. It depicts an open right hand, an image recognised and used as a sign of protection in many societies throughout history and is also believed to provide defence against the evil eye.
I love the print and it keeps the good vibes coming your way - double wammy!
If you are looking for some unique pieces at great prices and want to support our local designers - I highly suggesting visiting Kalk Bay and taking a walk down Main Street - best clear your whole day thought, you will be there for hours!